Below is a editorial comment from today's (Sunday) NDN.
Neosho, Mo. —
We’re heartened to see that the Newton County Sheriff’s Department is investigating potential criminal violations regarding a transfer from the “bed tax” fund to general revenues in order to make city payroll and other city obligations.
While we’re not attorneys or judges, it is clear that the fund transfer was a clear violation of the intent of the ballot issue voters approved back in 2006, if not of the law itself.
For this conclusion, we needed look no further than the ballot language itself: “Shall the city of Neosho impose a tax on the charges for all sleeping rooms paid by the transient guests of hotels, motels and tourist courts situated in the city of Neosho at a rate of four percent for the sole purpose of promoting tourism?”
Key words in that ballot issue, in case you missed it: “the sole purpose of promoting tourism.”. Sounds pretty clear to us. If funds are designated solely to promote tourism, then that is what they should be used for. The end. Finis.
But that wasn’t what they were used for. Instead, funds were used to pay city bills.
We understand the money crunch the city is in right now. Times are tough for all of us. We all have had to make sacrifices in order to keep afloat, to rob Peter in order to pay Paul.
But you can’t take money designated for one function, bound if not by law, then by the intent of what voters approved, and use it for another purpose. It isn’t right. It’s a violation of the people’s trust.
The council is slated to meet in a special closed session at 6 p.m. Monday to discuss personnel issues.
We hope some of those issues involve disciplining anyone involved in the fund transfer. But, we realize, the council has the authority only over the city manager, the city attorney and the city clerk.
City council, the eyes of all of Neosho are watching you. Do what’s right.
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