From today’s Joplin Globe (emphasis is mine):
TOPEKA, Kan. (AP) — A Kansas Senate committee is reviewing a proposal to impose a new tax on soda and other sugary drinks.
The bill before the Assessment and Taxation Committee sets the tax at a penny for every teaspoon of sugar.
The new tax would increase the cost of a 12-ounce can of soda by a dime and generate $90 million for the state during the fiscal year beginning July 1.
The committee plans to have a hearing on the measure Wednesday and is considering it as a way to help erase a budget shortfall.
The tax would apply not only to soda and to ginger ales, root beers and lemon-limes but to other “flavored” beverages with less than 10 percent real fruit or vegetable juice.
Personally, I like the tax, not as a way to boost revenue, but as a way to help cut down on the consumption of sugary drinks, especially in our younger population. Childhoold obesity is becoming a burden on our already-stretched healthcare system. Easy access to high-calorie food and drink is a major contributor. Less activity is another.
Personally I don't like the tax. This is just another tax to add to the long list of ridiculous taxes we already pay on everything. What are we going to tax next? Hamburgers? Oh wait, they are already talking about that. This won't curb child obesity rates. The parents should control the consumption of sugary drinks. We don't need the government taxing and controlling every thing we do or eat. This is just a money grab! Where does it end?
ReplyDeleteI was buying Mtn Dew when it was .25 a can, still buying at .75 a can or $1.49 a bottle...another 10cents wont stop anyone...while i agree that high sugar amounts arent doing our chilren any favors..parental guidance is a better option...maybe they can tax us on how many hours of video games we/they play?