May 10, 2010

And Just What Are Local Ad Valorem Tax Rates?

These are the property tax rates straight from my 2009 tax receipts.

Rate per $100 Taxing Entity
$0.0300 Stat
$0.0100 Fair
$0.0500 Hlth
$0.0803 Mntl
$3.1100 R5
$0.2322 NCC
$0.4000 Srtx*
$0.4000 Crwd
$0.1899 Amb
$0.1000 Libr

$4.6024 Total
*Srtx is $0.40 for businesses and is on real property only.

Updated 5-12-2010 - thanks for all of the comments.


  1. Fair= Newton County Fair
    Hlth= Newton County Health Dept.
    R5= R5 School District
    Crwd= Crowder College
    Amb= Newton County Ambulance
    Libr= Newton County Library
    NCC= Newton County Collectors office/Assessors
    Stat= State of Missouri

  2. The one that has me stumped is the Srtx. That's the one I need help with.

  3. i am wondering if it is for the Special Road district?


    SrtX - A constitutional amendment was adopted that exempted merchants’ and manufacturers’ inventories from taxation. In 1984, to replace the revenues lost because of the exemption, Article X, Section 6 of the Missouri constitution imposed a tax on commercial property — the surtax.

    Commercial property was defined as all property assessed in subclass 3 of class 1 within a county. Subclass 1 is residential property and subclass 2 is agricultural property.

    Mntl - Newton County Mental Health

  5. Thanks, Chief. That was the last piece of the puzzle.


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