Turnout for tonight’s public meeting regarding the financial state of our city and the proposed property tax levy had a much better turnout than our first presentation last week. Along with the better turnout came much harder and direct questions regarding what happened to put us in the mess.
Overall, it was a great meeting. Thanks to all that attended. While we didn’t always agree, I’m confident that those that came are better informed than those who didn’t. Regardless of how they vote, I’m confident that another 20-30 people have a better understanding of what we’re asking for and why.
A special thanks to Gary Spicer. With a little luck, he may even get a quote in tomorrow’s daily…maybe.
You have a tough road ahead Richard. Thank you for your time and the endless effort you have devoted to our city. Your presentation was greatly appreciated by me and I'm sure by the others in attendance. I will be voting for the property tax and I hope others will do the same.