February 7, 2011

SAFER Grants Will Keep Neosho Safer


It was announced on Friday that Neosho was the recipient of almost $800,000 in grant monies from FEMA’s SAFER grant program.  Those monies will be used to restore the 9 positions lost to layoffs in 2010.  The program funds the positions for a period of two years, at which time the city will take over the financial obligation to fund those positions.

As of Friday, Neosho’s grant was the 16th highest awarded in the nation for the 2010 application period and the highest awarded in the state of Missouri.

While this funding restores protection on the fire side, the police force has yet to see any increases in staffing.  Finding additional funding for rehiring positions within our police force is still a top priority.

According to the FEMA website:

“The Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response Grants (SAFER) was created to provide funding directly to fire departments and volunteer firefighter interest organizations in order to help them
increase the number of trained, "front line" firefighters available in their communities.”

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