Below is my weekly column for 2-17-2011
During the school year, my daughter and I usually make a pilgrimage to McDonald’s on Monday mornings to start the school week off with a Bacon Egg & Cheese biscuit, hash brown and a diet Coke. We’ll talk about the week ahead and I’ll offer the periodic reminder that she can’t have a boyfriend until she’s 25. As long as I’m getting more smiles than eye rolls, I’m good with that. Ultimately, I do all I can to get some daddy/daughter time because someday (and that someday is coming soon), the days of hanging with dad, walking her into the school and getting a kiss on the cheek in front of her friends will no longer be “cool”. (I’m preparing the best that I can!)
This week (on Tuesday because of the snow), we sat in our usual corner table. She filled the drinks while I unwrapped the biscuits on the familiar brown tray. She sat down, approved my work, and we began our meal. Through the window I noticed the scrolling marquee from Boulevard bank and the “congrats” line for my dentist, Dale Kunkel, and his employer of the month recognition. It then switched to the Neosho R-5 screen listing the February character word - “Honesty”. I found a moment of silence to ask her some questions – specifically “Do you know this month’s character word?” followed by “So what does ‘honesty’ mean to you?” I got the answer “being the kind of person whom other people can have confidence in.”
Since that is the school’s definition, I accepted the answer, but I expanded on it. I explained to her that honesty as it relates to everyday life means that you tell the truth (Webster’s says “adherence to the facts”). It is very simple concept, but life doesn’t always make it so simple. Sometimes the “hard truth” doesn’t go over well. Sometimes bending the truth a bit can help smooth things over (my grandma called that a ‘white lie’), or possibly the truth doesn’t help the cause at all so changing the story helps get people to take your side or position. Whatever the reason, we can all relate to at least one of the three (and there are many more than that!)
At all levels of our government, I place a high importance on honesty. From the candidates I support in elections to discussions I may have with local, state or federal officials, I expect nothing less than honesty in addressing issues that may arise. I respect those who will tell the truth, those who are honest with the public, and those that will give a straight-forward answer to a legitimate question. To me, honesty is quite refreshing in a world where personal motives and special interests seem to have more influence in what happens vs. simply doing what is right. To quote John Gardner, a politician, writer and Presidential Medal of Freedom recipient, “The citizen can bring our political and governmental institutions back to life, make them responsive and accountable, and keep them honest. No one else can.” I certainly try to do my part.
Today’s Neosho city government strives to take an approach where honesty is viewed to be the only acceptable means of dealing with our citizens. We’ve learned from the past and your current council and city administration are making a concerted effort to regain the trust of our citizens. We’re working hard to restore your belief that your government is honest, capable and working for ALL of the people. I think we’re making great progress.
So after a great breakfast, a walk into Carver elementary, and a kiss on the cheek, I’ll say this: I’m glad our society works from a young age to instill values and character in our kids. I appreciate our schools for helping to reinforce the values taught by parents in homes across our country. I appreciate our citizens noticing the positive changes we are making in our city government. In the end, we all benefit by grooming our current and future leaders to be more involved and concerned with doing the right thing, behaving in ways that instill confidence, and working hard to ensure that truth and honesty prevail. It certainly makes a noticeable difference…and Neosho is an obvious example.
The snow has melted and the sun is back. It looks like a great weekend of weather is here. My compliments to John Mills and his helpers for a great job on the Art Gala. It was a great time. Until next time, thanks for the support, stay the course, and may God bless out town!
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