June 12, 2010

Playin' Ball

Week 2 of YMCA youth ball is underway at Morse park. In this photo, Reiboldt Farms is playing Nutra Blend.
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  1. What is your take on this years summer ball program that is being run by the YMCA. I haven't heard much about how it's going. I sure hope it is doing well and hope them the best in the future. Our kids really love this time of year and greatly benefit from it.

  2. Personally, I haven't seen any issues this year that were "unexpected". Anytime you have a new group take over a program, you'll have growing pains with an occasional screw up...it's gonna happen. The Y has had a few stumbles, but they're moving forward and dealing with them as the occur.

    As a coach for two years and someone who has had a kid in the ball program for 4 years, I'm not unhappy. I'll have some suggestions for next year...I'll convey my concerns...but I'm glad they stepped up and I'm 100% behind the program.


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