Events of the last few days have put the City of Neosho in the limelight once again. This time, it's due to questions surrounding the MoDOT Star loan received by the city in early 2008. That loan was obtained to finance construction of T-hangars at the Neosho airport.
You can read the details online or in print and judge for yourself if you agree or disagree with the concerns. But regardless of how you feel and what comes out of the investigation, Neosho will be better for it. This event has reinforced the need for better communication and information sharing between the council, city management, and the public. I look forward to getting thru this, getting past this, and moving on with efforts to focus on making things better for ALL of Neosho.
I totally agree. We should fix the problem and move on. However, those responsible for the problems should be held accountable and not be given a free pass.