November 7, 2009

Trust vs. Turmoil

Seven months have past since the voters of Neosho entrusted me with the position of councilman.  In April, 1135 voters in Neosho showed their support, making me their top pick in the April 2009 council election.  I'd like to think that support, in part, shows the voter's trust and confidence in me to use common sense and good judgement to make decisions that are good for Neosho and its residents.

During the past week, there has been some turmoil related to city's planned disposal of old and outdated documents.  Some have alleged a coverup, some have even alleged fraud.  Quite a myriad of opinions to say the least.

In an effort to avoid the appearance of coverup or impropriety, I lobbied on the side of postponing the disposal of some of them to allow time for the other side to ensure nothing secret or incriminating was included.  That, now, has created its own turmoil.

Details aside, I've tried to reconcile the issue and step back and look at the broader issues at hand.  I've boiled it down to a rather simple question - do you (the citizens of Neosho) trust me when I tell you that this particular disposal isn't the issue it is being made out to be?  Do you trust that I've looked into it, know the 'why's' and 'how comes' of this request, and can make an informed and credible decision?

I appreciate those who comment about the lack of trust in government.  But the past will always be there.  No one can change it.  What can be changed is how things are done today.  I've got another 2 1/2 years to affect change in Neosho.  At that point, the voters can decide if they feel I've done a good job or if I need to go.  But for now, I'll continue to make decisions that I feel make sense for Neosho, make good on my commitments as a councilman, and support those in city government who work everyday to do their best for you and me.


  1. Richard, you said, "...I'll continue to make decisions that I feel make sense for Neosho, make good on my commitments as a councilman, and SUPPORT THOSE IN CITY GOVERNMENT WHO WORK EVERYDAY TO DO THEIR BEST FOR YOU AND ME.

    That seems like a good political statement. Now how about the following. Is the following too hard to say?

    I would like to hear you say you will ROOT OUT those in city government who DON'T work everyday to do their best for you and me.

  2. Absolutely. I commit to that as well. But know I can give support by my self, even to employees who don't work for the council. It takes a majority to root out those working for the council.

  3. Richard,

    Hopefully help is on the way.

  4. Absolutely. I commit to that as well. But know a couple of things: I can show support to any employee of the city as long as it doesn't 'interfere'. But the council only has a couple of employees, namely the city clerk and the city attorney. It would take a majority of the council to handle discipline for those working for the council. The council has no direct authority over anyone not working directly for the council.


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