November 26, 2009

Seals Face Assault Charges

There aren't many times a year that a news article get's me fired up, but today is one if them.  I've been following a story about three navy seals who are facing court-martial for an alleged assault on a terror suspect...the same suspect who was the mastermind of the capture, torture, burning, murder, and public display of four US security guards.  Their bodies were burned and hung from a bridge for public display in Fallujah in 2004

So after five years of alluding capture, our military finally caught him in Sept of this year.  But now, those same seals, who should be applauded and congratulated for their work, may go to prison.  Why?  Because the terrorist they captured accused the seals of  punching him and giving him a bloody lip.  (Honestly, I think he's pretty lucky.  My preference would have been a public burning and hanging.)

So I guess the message to our enemies is this - shoot us, kills us, murder us, whatever, but if you get even a scratch during your capture, raise your hand, allege abuse, and we'll make sure we punish those responsible to the fullest extent of the law.


  1. This is unbelievable! Punched and a bloody lip and they are going on trial? This goes beyond stupid.

  2. I would say that if a bloody lip is all they got they were extremely lucky...When will this madness end ...ITS WAR set the dogs of war free so they can do their jobs...


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