March 7, 2010

Reading Restaurant Served Up A Tasty Meal

Kyndall 014

This past Thursday, I had the opportunity to attend the “Reading Restaurant” at Carver elementary.  For about an hour, all of the second grade students dressed up as waiters/waitresses and served a main entree of reading with a desert of poetry.  I had the privilege of having my daughter and two other students read to me during the event.  It was a great time and a wonderful opportunity to see first hand how our children are learning.

As a reward for their hard work, I gave each student in Mrs. Lineberry’s class a trip to the book fair (being held in the Carver library) so they could each pick out a book to own and take home.

Thanks to Mrs. Lineberry, all of her students, and all of the 2nd grade readers who made the day so memorable.

Great Job Readers!

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