June 22, 2010

Cummins is Comin’ to Town

Today’s Neosho Daily is reporting that the Neosho R-5 School Board did an about-face last night and voted 6-0 to fill the position being vacated by Asst. Supt. Charles Brazeale.  The position has been award to Dr. Jim Cummins.  Jim is currently employed by the Carl Junction school district and is a former teacher in Neosho (and Neosho native).

This dramatic ending comes after months of public attention that started in early April when the Neosho R-5 board voted in closed session to eliminate the position based on concerns with funding reductions from the state, this after conducting interviews and narrowing the field to three candidates.  Because of criticisms of the closed-session vote, the board voted again during their regular meeting on April 19th to eliminate the position.  The vote at that time was 5-2 in support of eliminating the position. 

At the same April meeting, board president Cindy Norman again cited economic reasons to justify the board’s decision.  "During the (interviews), the reports from Jefferson City about state funding of schools became increasingly bleak. As a board of education, we believe that it is our primary responsibility to maintain an excellent learning environment for our students. To do this, we must keep teachers in the classrooms and make budget concessions in areas that do not directly affect our students." said Norman as quoted by the Neosho Daily News.

Since the April vote, more cuts have come from Jefferson City.  Just last week Governor Nixon cut another $70 million from transportation aid meaning districts will get less than 1/2 of their original funding for bussing.  The state is still seeing declines in overall revenues.


  1. not a good move....will our local elected officials never learn?

  2. What a boatload of garbage. All this means is that some of our "Elitists" on the Board have decided that this guy will be the next Superintendent. Look for them to throw Page in the trashcan shortly so Shirley's son can have a job.

  3. If I'm not mistaken isn't Dr. Page starting the final year of his contract. I also don't believe that he has been renewed. So if I'm thinking right this is a good thing to have someone in the Asst. position to help with the transfer of leadership of the next Supt. in the 2011-2012 school year. I'm not saying that Jim should automatically get the job but when we hire our new leader it would be nice to have someone with some knowledge of the district. I say good and smart move school board. How smooth would the transaction be for someone absolutely new to the district to come in in the middle of the States largest finacial crisis and be brand new. I am comfortable with the decision they have made. If you are so angry with the decision remember that there will be 4 seats open in the next election. You can always throw your hat in the ring and give it a shot. Who knows it may just be a job that is much harder than being the monday morning quarterback. Just saying....

  4. I am fully supporting of Jim's move to Neosho. I think the long-term benefit will be similar to what we saw with Alma's promotion a few years back. Did I like the process? Not exactly, but I am very glad Jim is here.

  5. I just think that Neosho has to many people who will bitch at any decision being made by the city and the schools. Give our community a break and get on board for a change. Our community is suffering from all the negative grumbling. The city and the school district is damned if they do and damned if they don't. Its startig to get really old. If our attitudes don't change within our community we are doomed and we will surely fail. Thank you to the new city council for what you are doing for our community, and thank you to the school board for all you do to make the Neosho area the best it can be.


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