As the Neosho R-5 school district this week announced spending cuts and plans to spend down $1 million in reserves, I think back to the controversy surrounding proposed TDD – specifically the TDD’s push for the district to commit $800K+ over 10 years to the project.
I am again thankful that common sense prevailed and the district chose NOT to participate. It was wrong for the TDD to ask them for money. It was right for them to say no.
To those that say “you gotta pay to play”, I say “I’d rather you stay away!”
I just wonder how MODOT is still planning on paying their share of the TDD expense. I am under the impression that the state is in financial crisis. I have read that they are expecting a 1 billion dollar shortfall next year. Just wonder who will be left holding the big bag promises in the future. I'm going to guess that the state will not follow thru.