December 17, 2009

No More Excuses - Lead or Step Aside

The time has come to close down this circus and get back to work fixing the problems that are plaguing our city. Neosho is facing a serious financial crisis…a crisis that, without a solution, will likely destroy the very foundation this city was built on 131 years ago.

All of our city officials must demonstrate leadership through this time of crisis. Those that cannot must step aside. There is no time left for excuses – we need solutions. Our leadership must show that we understand the problems before us and assure our citizens that a solution is on the way. Neosho must find a way out of our financial distress and be provided with a clear and direct path back to financial stability. Anything less is unacceptable.

I’m committed to help find a solution. But my patience is wearing thin. Let’s come together as a City, let’s work this problem, and let’s get Neosho back to being the city we know it can be.


  1. We, the citizens of Neosho are tired of excuses. We are tired of hearing about problems that have been caused by the "Economy". These problems are all part of the duties that a City Manager and a City Finance director are paid to handle. Manage with leadership and vision and we'll support you. I'm certain there will be many more challenges ahead, so don't make anymore excuses.

    Your recent actions prove to me that we need someone who we can trust to lead us away from the place we are in.

    Blase should step down, and the finance director as well. We need new leadership and a new direction, before it gets any worse.

    If these individuals won't step down, then the city council members need to take action on this issue now. We're counting on you.

  2. it is a shame that we have let the management of this city, of our city, not his, drive this town in the ground. He has affected people that have dedicated their lives to this town and all for naught. Is what sucks is in april he will be back in Branson not giving a damn about the devastation he has left behind while this town tries to rebuild.


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